ondasolas (more)


Wow! Page two, thanks for your kind attention! 😊

The floor is swept*, come on in.

*In Spanish, one refers to a freshly swept floor when someone is welcome to come on in.

Artwork from "Monte"

All album covers start somewhere.

"Monte" began as ink drawings with mountain themes.

I started out pretty slow, with lots of details here and there. I took my time.

For the larger format, the core elements remained: a woman's face on the left, but I wasn't happy with the way the face looked there. The bubbles were also colored, but the end result was not what he was looking for. The mountains here don't look like mountains at all. They were just plasters of yellow in an attempt to put the color to work. I also didn't like the signal towers in the back, so I scraped them off and ended up with that mesh on the back.


Hay un autor medio desconocido mexicano que hizo algo similar, un tal Juan. Como sea, me gustan las fotos.


ondasolas - Luces